This is the last weekend of MOTHERLOAD – A collection of short plays by Felix Racelis. Even thought it was only three weekend run, I felt like we created another “mini” family with this production. Of course, most of the actors are my usual faces. But I grew more respect to my regular actors. Seriously, they are very supportive and warm people! They do not compete with new actors – but they welcome them – with open arms.
As a producer, I learned it is MORE important to create the atmosphere – for both actors and audience – of joyfulness. When you come to my rehearsal or my show, I want you to feel the fun we are having whether you are on stage or off stage.
To be honest, this show was NOT easy to put up. I thought I planned ahead because I damn well knew that I would be in japan for the whole month of March and I will be taking care of my clients when I return in April. I wish I could say I would say “no” to my clients for my art. Art comes first. But, NO! I know my clients’ business depend on me – and so many family depend on their business for a weekly paycheck. SO, I have to make sure my clients are doing well – always.
Back to the production – Again… the 80/20 rule applied.
Even though I started planning this in January (5 months ago) the most of “Magic” happened at the very last minute – 20% of schedule – in 1 month. When I returned from Japan, I noticed that no one has done rehearsal. My 80% – 4 months of prep – was pretty unproductive.
My wise Pea said “What do you expect? People are not self-starters.”
I knew that – that’s why I planned “AHEAD”!!! 3 of six plays were done casting, they can, at least, get together and rehearse while I am away, and I can focus on casting and rehearsing 3 plays that I didn’t cast when I return.
Nah. Nothing was done as of March 29.
I had to recast one role for three times. BUT the Magic Happened. When I walked in the studio while Michael was shooting a group of actors to bitch about one flaky actor I just fired, THE PERFECT ACTOR WHO LOOKED LIKE A SON OF THE ACTRESS I CAST AS MOM of the role I just fired was standing there.
I didn’t waste my time bitching about the pothead actor to Michael. I offered the role to this young actor right there. … Well, I said I would send him the script…. since it was a gay role…
After reading the script and arranging his schedule, he said YES!
Another play was not done cast till 1 week before. I called my old friend to be in the piece since she hasn’t aged for 10 years, and I knew she can look like 30 something, and I could depend on her.
Dependability is very important. But “kindness” to others is more important when it comes to the live performance.. When you are kind to each others – the magic starts to happening.
Basically, I didn’t make this happen. I am too old to believe that controlling artists is the way to success. Nah. I just let them be creative individuals. They are caring individuals, they won’t let it fail! Ha! After the first walk through rehearsal 5 days before the show day, the cast got together and filled the void as usual to make the production run smoothly.
I am grateful to my usual Ring Masters: Pea, Greg Haskins, Michele Tannen, Jon, Ellen, Mai, for covering my butt as always.
So…. TWO MORE SHOWS left. I will miss them all – and this production.