Corona Times – Quarantine Day 5

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

It’s a beautiful day outside. Nature survives while we hide.

Squi wanted to go to a park, but I don’t have the energy to quarantine the whole damn park for him – nor I trust him NOT to touch his face while he is playing there. So NO PARK.

Michael says we should go golfing. So I googled: Is golf safe from Coronavirus?

Answer – Yes, it should be.

So, we packed up – before it starts to rain again. Surprisingly the city-owned golf courses were open. All classes, including Squi’s Jr ones, have been cancelled, of course.

We were super careful not to touch anything that didn’t belong to us.

After one hour of golfing, I stop by at Ralph’s to get St. Patrick’s day cupcake. Trying to keep this insane situation feel normal and protected for our little one.

Brunch: Sandwich
Dinner: Leftover stakes, salad, my special recipe “potato” (will post later), Zucchini and tricolored peppers & mushroom (immunity booster!)

Movie: Han Solo (by Squi’s request)
Steps: 1666 steps

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